A super simple watering trick that could change everything...

Recently, I had a super powerful experience with my eldest daughter. And by powerful, I mean eye-opening, humbling, a bit embarrassing and MAGICAL.

We had just returned to my car after a meeting with her Guidance Counselor. The Counselor had reviewed a ton of information pertaining to a successful college application process.

Throughout the meeting, my daughter asked a ton of excellent questions and emoted confidence and energy. However, her mother (Yours Truly) was inwardly experiencing a wave of trepidation. I kept thinking to myself, “This is a lot! Can she possibly handle it?”

As soon as we had slid into our seats, I turned to face her.

I was just about to tell her what I thought she should and shouldn’t do with the valuable information. Boy, did I have some awesome ideas and opinions!

Instead, entirely different words came out of my mouth.

“Courtney! I am so impressed by your diligence and dedication. You did such a great job during that meeting. Your star is truly rising!”

Oh, my goodness.

I wish you had been in the car with me to witness her reaction. Her cheeks flushed. She beamed me a gorgeous smile. She sat taller. IT WAS AS IF I HAD JUST WATERED A THIRSTY FLOWER because she literally blossomed right in front of my eyes.

And, I learned for the sixteenth millionth time, that what we choose to focus our attention on GROWS.

How do you maintain your focus on what matters most to you?


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Gail Kreitzer